Diversity Barometer Housing

Access to housing is faced with numerous pitfalls: inadequate public offer, cost of private housing, insalubrity, economic crisis, lack of suitable housing, etc. Added to this is the issue of discrimination.

Within the framework of its “Diversity Barometer” project, the Centre has initiated a research programme, in collaboration with the federal Minister for Equal Opportunities, the three regional Ministers for Housing and the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men. Two university consortiums carried out this research, aiming at assessing the extent and the forms of discrimination in both the public and private housing sector.

The Diversity Barometer project aims to elaborate a long-term, structural measurement tool to scientifically draw up an inventory of the behaviour (level of discrimination) and attitudes (level of tolerance) towards the different target groups protected by antidiscrimination laws, as well as the actual participation (level of participation) of these target groups in society. The Diversity Barometer is published every two years and  analyses three sectors - employment, housing and education - which are each the subject of a publication in turn.

The Diversity Barometer therefore aims to overcome the lack of statistical and qualitative data relating to discrimination and its mechanisms and provides civil society actors with a tool comprising objective data. This data is useful and necessary for an analysis of their sector of activity and will equip political leaders with a tool to assess and manage the policies being implemented.
