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Report Discrimination

You can report discrimination online or call 0800 12 800 on workdays between 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Your report is always free of charge and confidential.

What to report to Unia?

If you are a victim of discriminationhate speech or hate crime, you can report these experiences to Unia. Our collaborators will inform you about your rights and provide advice and/or assistance.

Please note that Unia cannot handle all types of cases:

  • In Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia we are competent for all federal matters. This includes hate speech, hate crime, or discrimination at the  work place, in  restaurants and hotels, during commercial activities, in the banking and insurance sector, in the field of consumer and patient rights, public health, public transport (NMBS, STIB, TEC), and concerning the military, the police and the justice system. 
  • In Flanders we are no longer competent for Flemish matters. Cases of discrimination, for example, in the rental market, Dutch-language education or the services of De Lijn, must be reported to the VMRI.
  • Unia still has competence for all matters in Brussels and Wallonia.

What can we do when you request assistance?

If it concerns matters that fall within our official responsibilities, there are several options:

  • We try to bring the parties together to reach a negotiated solution.
  • We can also take other actions: send a warning or reminder to the people being reported, give advice, etc.
  • Very occasionally, we will go to court. Only with your consent, of course. 

Do I have to pay for submitting a report?

You do not have to pay to submit a report or have your case followed up by Unia. 

Very exceptionally, and only with your consent, will we go to court. Because Unia does not employ lawyers, costs may be involved.

What types of reports will Unia not handle?

You cannot contact us for:

  • anonymous reports (be sure to enter your name and do not use a fictitious e-mail address)
  • reports containing swear words or threats 
  • general reports about a grievance that does not concern a specific situation
  • reports about facts that are more than 1 year old 
  • reports about facts that occur outside Belgium
  • reports related to gender – for this, you should contact the Institute for the equality of women and men
  • reports about language discrimination 
  • reports on Flemish matters 

What principles do we apply in handling your report?

Open Close Independence

Open Close Respect

Open Close Privacy

Open Close Transparency

Why is it important to report discrimination?

Thanks to the reports we receive, we can collect data about discrimination in our society. 

  1. Reporting enables us to formulate advice and policy recommendations and thus have a structural impact on equality and discrimination.
  2. Organisations, journalists, universities, etc. can use these data for research and recommendations.

Policymakers and cabinets can draw up new legislation or policies based on these data.