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Frequently asked questions

What is Unia? What are our missions and how can we help you?  On this page, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

About Unia

Open Close What is the official status of Unia?

Open Close What doesn’t Unia do?

Open Close Is Unia active in Flanders?

Open Close How is Unia funded?

Open Close Is it possible to receive promotional material (goodies, pens, bags, etc.)?

Open Close Is it possible to visit your offices?

Open Close Is Unia independent from politics?


Open Close Are Unia’s services free of charge?

Open Close What to do if you witness discrimination or hate speech?

Open Close What should I do if I am unhappy with the way Unia has handled my case?

Open Close Can Unia help me with a paper, task or research?

Open Close What is negotiation and what are its benefits?