Aalst Carnival: Unia analyses reports

25 February 2020
Area of action: Society
Grounds of discrimination: Racism

Just like last year, Jewish caricatures and stereotypes were shown during the carnival in Aalst. Unia received several reports about this. We understand that some of the caricatures shocked and hurt people, and will further investigate the facts.

Several people in the parade mocked Unesco, using Jewish caricatures as well. Unia will collect all the information and will investigate whether criminal offences were committed. For this, we are in contact with the prosecutor's office and the police.   

We regret that anti-Semitic stereotypes were used again, because we know that stereotypes can lead to prejudice and discrimination. We therefore continue to insist that the local authorities seize the opportunity to work on an inclusive Aalst Carnival that brings people together. In this, the mayor has an important responsibility to depolarise and de-escalate.  

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