A website to boost equal opportunities in municipalities

9 May 2018
Area of action: All areas of action
Grounds of discrimination: All grounds of discrimination

On May 9, Unia launched websites on which municipal politicians and officials can find advice and concrete examples on how to boost equal opportunities at the local level.

On the websites www.lechoixegalite.be, www.kiesgelijkekansen and chancengleichheitwaehlen.be, Unia, the Interfederal Centre that combats discrimination and promotes equal opportunities, has compiled around a hundred best practices aimed at promoting equal opportunities at the local level. In the run-up to local elections, candidates can thus easily find ideas for effectively putting their election promises into practice. These initiatives, collected from all over Belgium, have already proven their worth in other municipalities.

In addition to these concrete and innovative initiatives, Unia also offers practical advice for municipalities to help them determine their priorities and adopt an overall vision for promoting equal opportunities and combating discrimination towards their citizens.

A single platform

Unia’s aim in creating these websites is to streamline the work of anyone looking to put equal opportunities on the agenda in their municipalities. Time-consuming research on the internet is no longer necessary, as numerous initiatives have now been compiled on this single platform. The entire websites is available in French and Dutch and part of the content has also been translated into German.

Dynamic websites

There have been many initiatives for equal opportunities in municipalities in Belgium. Unia has made an initial selection thanks to its employees who are active in the field. But it also invites all municipalities and their citizens to share their best practices in order to add to the websites and inspire other local authorities through an ever-growing library of examples.

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