How should you report expressions of hate speech on radio, video or television?

Have you seen or heard punishable statements on radio, video or television? Then you can report it to us or to other organisations.

Reporting hate speech to Unia.

Unia will investigate whether the statements are in violation of the law and will take further steps if necessary.

In order to be able to help you quickly, we need the following info:

  • The name of the programme and the broadcaster (e.g. ‘Het journaal’ – ‘Radio Cactus’)
  • The date and time of broadcast (e.g. ‘Monday 22 October 2018, 8 p.m.’)
  • Exactly when the statements occur (e.g. ‘after 13 minutes’)

Other organisations

The editorial board of a radio or television programme

You should certainly also contact the editorial board of the radio or television programme to express your dismay. Are you personally implicated in the broadcast? Then you can also demand a right of reply.

Journalism Council

The Journalism Council handles questions or complaints about professional journalistic ethics. However, in order to file a complaint, you must be personally implicated: for example, your name is used in the program, you are personally accused, … 

The Flemish media regulator

The Flemish media regulator (Vlaamse regulator voor de media or VRM) and the Audiovisual Council (Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel or CSA) checks broadcasts against the main rules for the media. They can also impose sanctions.

Data Protection Authority

Do you have questions or complaints about your privacy or the processing of your personal data? Then contact the Data Protection Authority (previously known as the Privacy Commission).

Jury for Ethical Practices in Advertising

What about questionable advertising messages? We notice that people regularly report advertisements to Unia that include extreme stereotypes of individuals or groups. For example, an advertisement in which gay men are presented as effeminate, or older people are shown as being slow, ...

Most of the time, these advertisements turn out to fall within the bounds of freedom of speech. Only when there is public incitement to discrimination, hate or violence against those particular people or groups, can Unia take action.

This does not diminish the fact that you can always contact the customer service of the company to voice your dismay. You can also contact the Jury for Ethical Practices in Advertising, of which Unia is a part.