What is inclusive education?

An inclusive school environment meets the needs of all students, such as students with a disability, non-native speaker newcomers or students from disadvantaged families.

Inclusive education means that regular schools adapt their infrastructure, methods, teaching materials and personnel policies to all students. It is about ensuring that all students feel at home.

A springboard to an inclusive society

A school where no one is excluded is an important step towards a society where no one is ever left out in the cold. By bringing children together in the classroom in inclusive schools, interacting with one another will come naturally later in life.

Inclusive education vs. special education

Currently, many students with disabilities are still sent to special education schools. The ultimate goal of inclusive education is to do away with special education schools and to allow all students to receive the necessary support so that they can attend regular schools. For this to be possible, it is essential for teachers and schools to be given sufficient resources and support.

Inclusive education means that the (current) education system will need to be organised differently, removing as many barriers as possible. We call this principle Universal Design for Learning.

Today, however, most schools are not yet organised according to this principle. This is why there is often a need for reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.