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Unia supports political decision-makers (political cabinets and administrations) in the development, evaluation and implementation of their policies. As an inter-federal institution, Unia fights discrimination and defends equality in Belgium at the various levels of government: federal, regional and communal.

To help policy makers in their deliberations, Unia issues opinions and recommendations to organisations and authorities. Unia is also a knowledge centre. Building on its expertise, Unia carries out a great deal of research and publishes figures and studies that can help the public authorities in their policies and decisions on discrimination and diversity.

Unia resources: annual report, figures, data hub

Unia is a centre of knowledge and expertise that studies and addresses inclusion and discrimination issues from a variety of angles. Our database contains a wide range of resources: opinions and policy recommendations, studies, practical tools, annual and thematic reports, memorandums, etc.

Local presence

Unia is not only present in the Brussels region, at its head office. We also have various local contact points in Wallonia and Flanders. These contact points enable local decision-makers and partners to get in touch with Unia employees who can support and advise them on diversity and anti-discrimination issues.

Thanks to its local presence, Unia can easily and quickly pick up on signals coming from the field and react to them (collection of reports, assessment of problematic situations, interventions and training, etc.). 

An inclusive diversity policy with eDiv

eDiv (only available in French or Dutch) is a free online tool developed by Unia to support Belgian companies, businesses and public services in developing and maintaining an inclusive diversity policy.

eDiv can be used in all companies, in all sectors and at every stage of the process towards greater inclusion and diversity. eDiv is a useful tool for those who want to set up their first diversity actions, but also for companies that have already integrated diversity and inclusion into their workplace and want to improve and find tools for taking action.

Recommendations for elections

In the run-up to the elections, Unia publishes memorandums setting out a number of recommendations aimed at guaranteeing equality and combating discrimination. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that the right to vote is a fundamental human right. Unfortunately, however, the right to vote is not exercised in the same way by everyone. This is why Unia has published the fact sheet ‘Elections 2024: the vote for all?’.

The handistreaming toolbox

Handistreaming means taking the disability dimension into account in all policy areas. This goes hand in hand with the principle of universal design, which takes account of different users in the design of each environment.

Do you want to ensure that the fundamental rights of people with disabilities are guaranteed when you work on a new policy initiative or project? With the handistreaming toolbox, you have the ideal tool to help you do just that.

Our thematic dossiers

Artificial intelligence and discrimination

Unia is convinced that AI can help solve societal challenges. It can also be used with sufficient safeguards to promote equality and non-discrimination. However, artificial intelligence (AI) carries risks of structural discrimination at the societal level. Unia is doing its utmost to make political decision-makers aware of these dangers. We also serve as experts in many organisations dealing with AI and call on people to report any discriminatory effects of AI that they see.

Promoting diversity and inclusion

Unia supports professionals who work to promote greater diversity and inclusion.

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